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- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Message-ID: <492@writer.win-uk.net>
- References: <4q7bob$6k@news.campus.mci.net>
- Reply-To: win@writer.win-uk.net (OnLine)
- From: win@writer.win-uk.net (OnLine)
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 11:25:12 GMT
- Subject: Re: UFO's and Project Apollo
- Lines: 71
- " JosÄ Manuel Sentmanat" writes:
- >To the denizens of this newsgroup:
- >
- > I was wondering if any of you out there have any
- >information,
- >or personal views, on a rather interesting theory I've come
- >across. Evidently, some people believe that Project Apollo
- >was not an attempt to beat the Russians to the Moon, but
- >rather a military reconnaissance aimed at alien intelligences
- >known to be living on the lunar surface. These A.I.'s,
- >concerned that a race as violent as ours and in possession of
- >nuclear devices had developed the capability to travel
- >interplanetary distances, warned the governments of Earth--and
- >ours in particular--to cease all manned spaceflight outside
- >the confines of Earth orbit. Consequently, the last Apollo
- >flew in 1972.
- >This theory allegedly explains why the government cancelled
- >the lunar program so precipitously, only three and a half
- >years after the first landing.
- This hypothesis has been around for quite some time now without the
- slightest hint of evidence.
- NASA cancelled the APOLLO programme because the public at large...and
- therefore the politicians, lost interest in going to the Moon...no
- political support..no bucks.. no bucks ...no Buck Rogers. Whilst the APOLLO
- programme will go down in the history books as one of mankind's greatest
- achievements, it was also one of its most expensive.
- >It also accounts for the fact
- >that neither we nor anyone else has ever again returned to the
- >Moon. Furthermore, it explains why the NASA astronaut corps
- >of the 60's and early 70's was made up almost exclusively of
- >military pilots, many of them with combat experience in Korea
- >and Vietnam. The government wanted test pilots with combat
- >experience up there in case they encountered alien technology,
- >the theory being that these men would be trained observers
- >capable of detailed reconnaissance.
- The gvmt wanted test pilots because they were considered to be the best of
- the best...test pilots are also engineers, not just death or glory boys. The
- fact that they had combat experience was simply due to the time frame in
- which they were selected...America was involved in armed conflict...
- Neil Armstrong was also a test pilot on the hypersonic X-15 programme..Buzz
- Aldrin has PhD in Astrophysics if memory serves..highly trained, highly
- motivated people.
- Perhaps we went for the Moon too soon...perhaps we should have developed
- a better and cheaper way of doing it and aimed for a Lunar landing in the
- 80s or 90s..that's what the cancelled APOLLO flights and the fact that
- no-one has been back to the Moon suggests to me.
- BTW..if the US taxpayers don't fund a Moon mission, who will ? The
- Europeans ? The former Soviet Union ? ...I don't think so. What support to
- you suppose there is in the US for a gigabuck Moon..The Return. programme ?
- People would most likely say WHY ? To recce. aliens who are allegedly
- coming to Earth anyway ? Hmmm...I think this hypothesis needs to be laid
- to rest finally :)
- Best
- D